Mednarodna likovna zbirka Junij / International Art Collection Junij : Prva predstavitev / First presentation 21.III. - 20.IV.1985 - ured. Stane Jagodič, Lev Menaše, Grupa Junij
Oblast: Umetnost i kultura
Artikal: 28888 : Tezina: 0.65 kg
1 u zalihama
Opis: Ljubljana 1985, meki povez, stanje vrlo dobro 4+, str. 214, ilustr. reprodukcijama, slov/engl, vidi slike
🚛 Dostava: Opcije i troškovi dostave
9 439 RSD
Group Junij (1970-1985) was an informal art group that graduated in 1970 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana. Young artists, connected by the common month of birth, June. Their projects were created independently and were very different. Their common aspirations were the democratization of art, the expansion of the research perspective and the desire for international communication...
Stane Jagodič (born 15 June 1943) is a Slovenian free-lance painter, photographer, caricaturist, aphorist, and author. His art has been socially critical. He is especially known after montages, assemblages, and collages, joining objects that seem to be incompatible. He was a co-founder of the June Group (Slovene: Grupa Junij), an international art movement of the 1970s, the creator of the June International Art Collection...
Grupa Junij (1970-1985) bila je neformalna umetnička grupa koja je
diplomirala 1970. godine na Akademiji likovnih umetnosti
u Ljubljani. Mladi umetnici, povezani zajedničkim mesecom rođenja, junom. Njihovi projekti su se samostalno kreirali
i bili su veoma različiti. Njihove zajedničke težnje bile su
demokratizacija umetnosti, širenje istraživačke perspektive i želja za
međunarodnom komunikacijom...