Gavrilo Princips Bekenntnisse - Gavrilo Princip/M. Pappenheim (Wien 1926)
Oblast: Retka inostrana izdanja
Artikal: 23999 : Tezina: 0.1 kg
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Izdavač: R. Lechner & Sohn
Opis: 1. izdanje, Wien 1926, meki orig. povez, stanje vrlo dobro 4+, str. 32, ilustrovano origin. rukopisima, jezik: nemacki, ekstremno retka
🚛 Dostava: Opcije i troškovi dostave
Gavrilo Princips Bekenntnisse : Ispovesti Gavrila Principa. Pun naslov: Gavrilo Princips Bekenntnisse: ein
geschichtlicher Beitrag zur Vorgeschichte des Attentates von Sarajevo ;
zwei Manuskripte Princips ; Aufzeichnungen seines Gefängnispsychiaters
Dr. Pappenheim aus Gesprächen von Feber bis Juni 1916 über das Attentat,
Princips Leben und seine politischen und sozialen Anschauungen.
Martin Papenhajm, jedini čovek iz spoljnjeg sveta kome je 1916. dozvoljeno da uđe u tvrđavu kazamat Terezijenštat i razgovara s atentatorom na austrijskog prestolonaslednika Franca Ferdinanda. Stenografske beleške razgovora sa G. Principom vođenim od februara do juna 1916. godine.
What did Gavrilo Princip himself think and say? In a series of conversations with Martin Pappenheim in 1916, he revealed his motives and explained his actions. Dr. Martin Pappenheim preserved as stenographic notes the questions and answers he posed to Princip in 1916 while Princip was imprisoned in Austria. Pappenheim was a doctor in the Austro-Hungarian Army who worked at military hospitals and prisons, treating and studying shell-shock cases. While on duty at the Theresienstadt Prison, he conducted interviews and conversations with Gavrilo Princip, from February to June, 1916. His interviews and conversations with Princip were published in 1926 in Vienna by Rudolf Lechner and Son as a 32 page booklet in German. In English: Gavrilo Princip’s Confessions: A historical contribution for the prehistory of the assassination of Sarajevo; two manuscripts of Princip’s answers to the questions by prison psychiatrist Dr. Pappenheim from discussions from February to June, 1916 on the assassination, Princip’s life and his political and social opinions; with an introduction and commentary by R. P.
Martin Papenhajm, jedini čovek iz spoljnjeg sveta kome je 1916. dozvoljeno da uđe u tvrđavu kazamat Terezijenštat i razgovara s atentatorom na austrijskog prestolonaslednika Franca Ferdinanda. Stenografske beleške razgovora sa G. Principom vođenim od februara do juna 1916. godine.
What did Gavrilo Princip himself think and say? In a series of conversations with Martin Pappenheim in 1916, he revealed his motives and explained his actions. Dr. Martin Pappenheim preserved as stenographic notes the questions and answers he posed to Princip in 1916 while Princip was imprisoned in Austria. Pappenheim was a doctor in the Austro-Hungarian Army who worked at military hospitals and prisons, treating and studying shell-shock cases. While on duty at the Theresienstadt Prison, he conducted interviews and conversations with Gavrilo Princip, from February to June, 1916. His interviews and conversations with Princip were published in 1926 in Vienna by Rudolf Lechner and Son as a 32 page booklet in German. In English: Gavrilo Princip’s Confessions: A historical contribution for the prehistory of the assassination of Sarajevo; two manuscripts of Princip’s answers to the questions by prison psychiatrist Dr. Pappenheim from discussions from February to June, 1916 on the assassination, Princip’s life and his political and social opinions; with an introduction and commentary by R. P.